
My answer is absolutely not to stay in the waiting list. Waiting list should not be a hope for majority that are there, only for those who have very little and may be able to wait as long as necessary to get a few more to keep going with their business. Any other needs that cannot wait should be done via a normal transfer process. And someone that received something via a transfer has conditions to do others and depend even less from the waiting list. Also stimulating organizations to get a little as a /24 is bad for everybody else as contributes to fragment and pollute even more the global routing table. A /20 to /22 is enough for newer organizations to start with and get into business. More than that go to the transfer market besides improve technical stuff to know better how to live with less IPv4.


On 27/01/2023 18:35, WOOD Alison * DAS wrote:


The Policy Experience Report Working Group has been working on the Policy Experience Report from ARIN 50.  I would appreciate your feedback on the following issue regarding transferring waitlist space.

The current wait list criteria is:

  * Must have a /20 or less in total IPv4 holdings.
  * May request up to a /22.
  * Removed from list if IPv4 received via 8.3/8.4 transfer.
  * Received ip space is eligible for needs-based transfer after five

The Policy Experience Working Group would like your feedback on a potential policy idea: With waiting list times being in years, should an org be eligible to get a small block (e.g. /24) via 8.3/8.4 and stay on the waiting list?

The working group appreciates your feedback.

Thank you!

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