The ARIN Advisory Council (AC) met on 19 April 2023, and sent the following 
Recommended Draft Policy to Last Call for an extended period with communication 
sent from staff:


* Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2022-11: Clean-up of NRPM – Introduction of 
Section 2.17


ARIN staff confirms the correct Recommended Draft Policy text was communicated 
to PPML on 16 March 2023 and again on 21 March 2023. The appropriate text was 
presented at ARIN 51 on 17 Apr 2023 which received community support. It has 
been noted on ARIN’s 
website did not exactly match the text sent to PPML or the text presented at 
ARIN 51. ARIN’s website has been corrected, and ARIN staff apologizes for any 
confusion this may have caused.


Feedback is encouraged during the Last Call period. All comments should be 
provided to the Public Policy Mailing List. Last Call will expire on 9 Jun 2023.


The Recommended Draft Policy text is below and available at:


The ARIN Policy Development Process is available at:




Eddie Diego

Policy Analyst

American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)




Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2022-11: Clean-up of NRPM – Introduction of 
Section 2.17


AC Assessment of Conformance with the Principles of Internet Number Resource 


Based on community feedback and AC discussion we motion to move ARIN-2022-11: 
Clean-up of NRPM – Introduction of Section 2.17 to Recommended Draft, with the 
following definition: “Internet number resources are unique identifiers within 
the Internet Numbers Registry System [as described in IETF RFC 7020] and this 
includes ranges (or “blocks”) of contiguous Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses 
and Autonomous System Numbers (“ASNs”).” This Draft Policy is fair, impartial, 
and technically sound and will add clarity to the term “Internet number 


Problem Statement:


The term Internet Number Resources is referenced in several sections of the 
NRPM but is not defined.


Policy Statement:


“Internet number resources are unique identifiers within the Internet Numbers 
Registry System [as described in IETF RFC 7020] and this includes ranges (or 
“blocks”) of contiguous Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses and Autonomous 
System Numbers (“ASNs”).”


Timetable for Implementation: Immediate




Although this proposal was drafted in the course of an editorial review of 
Section 2 of the NRPM, the addition of a new definition may not be considered 
purely editorial in nature and so this proposal is not being presented as 
strictly editorial.


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