
On Sun, 7 May 2023, Michael B. Williams via ARIN-PPML wrote:

I disagree. While the waitlist may help companies offer competitive services
for their product lines, it should not be the "product" itself. I.e. the
offering of IP services should be coupled with the actual offering of

To point, if companies offer connectivity-related services, such as, but not
limited to, hosting, transit, data transit, and ISP, I don't have an issue
as these are in the spirit of what IP resources should be obtained for.

Obtaining IP resources for the purposes of immediately reselling or leasing
them to companies is not in the spirit of ARIN's policies.

The waitlist should not be designed for companies simply to make money by
"waiting" in line as a spot holder than reselling the IP addresses.

On Sun, May 7, 2023 at 2:16 PM Ron Grant <r...@balansoft.com> wrote:
      To be honest, the whole purpose of the waitlist is for companies
      to make money from obtaining IP space.  True, we usually assume
      they'll be doing it the old-fashioned way, by (gasp) offering
      services - however I think that somehow "tainting" the
      waitlist-obtained addresses is going to cause more trouble than
      it would prevent.

      On 2023-05-05 8:58 a.m., Michael B. Williams via ARIN-PPML
      Are you asking if an entity were to obtain IP space from
      the waitlist, should they be permitted to lease it to
      someone else? My answer is a resounding no. That defeats
      the whole purpose of the waitlist. Entities should not be
      encouraged to hoard IP space because ARIN will subsidise
      the cost, allowing a for-profit entity to make money from
      obtaining IP space.

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Ron Grant
Balan Software/Networks
Network Architecture & Programming


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