On Thu, Jul 20, 2023 at 2:36 PM Scott Leibrand <scottleibr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If a business can’t afford to may market price for addresses, they
> don’t have as much need for them as someone who can, and
> shouldn’t expand that part of their business. If an organization
> has addresses that they have a stronger economic incentive to
> hold than to free up and sell/lease, then we shouldn’t be trying to
> find policy levers to force them to do something (economically) inefficient.

Since we are NOT talking about reclaiming addresses, only whether orgs
are permitted to get more, I agree with Scott: market economics will
do at least as good a job guaranteeing efficient utilization as
pushing paper at ARIN.

Unless ARIN has a specific example of an org acquiring additional
addresses despite inefficiently using the ones they have? I realize
you can't name names, but if there is an example we should consider,
I'd like to see it anonymized but otherwise with full details. Without
data to drive an analysis, we'll just argue ideology. That isn't

Bill Herrin

William Herrin
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