On 2023-10-27 12:36, Leif Sawyer via ARIN-PPML wrote:
William Herrin <b...@herrin.us>  writes:

I believe that prior interaction with each segment of the community,
outside of their duties as AC, should be a hard requirement for rating
a candidate as "qualified" during the elections process.
Quantitatively? Start with something simple: one policy-related post
to PPML while not an AC member and you have to speak at the mike at
least once at an ARIN meeting. Else you're rated "qualifications not

Thank you for your suggestion and clarification, and I'll take it under 

It might not be best to go from zero to hard requirement.

In other words, _if_ this is being added as a thing that the NomCom should care about, I recommend starting with this being one of the factors that differentiates "Qualified" and "Well Qualified". If that works out and _if_ the desire is there to make it a hard requirement, that can be done a year or two later.

I'm not currently expressing a position on whether this should be a factor to consider. I haven't given it enough thought.


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