On Wed, Dec 6, 2023 at 8:25 AM <hostmas...@uneedus.com> wrote:

> > The initial connecting pirates must be unique and independent
> > from each other.
> I think this part is even more important than making the number "3"
> instead of "2".

The pirates part was a typo. But. :) The two and three ASN part is
important along with the independence of the networks planning to join a
new IX. Two connecting is a PNI and for a variety of reasons is technically
unsound. Three is easier to support.

> Too much game playing is being done with this section, allowing
> corporately related parties to obtain this space to connect themselves
> together without any real intent to EVER publically peer with any
> unrelated parties.  If they want to make what is a private peering point,
> they should be forced to use their own address space to do so, and not the
> IX space meant for public peering.

You have a point, but I'm talking about fine tuning the registration part.
I would argue the majority are honest brokers and some light fine tuning
will increase that percentage of honesty from 99.9% to 99.99%.

I would even suggest that the terms of a public offering of peering be
> made FIRST and the existance of a public offer to peer be made a condition
> to receive IX space from ARIN. This will help prevent use of this space
> only private related parties, and without any real intent to actually have
> a PUBLIC IX among actual unrelated parties.

True. That already happens since as you know you can't have an IXP unless
people know about it. There's a chicken and egg problem with what comes
first. A lot of times you need to be "in business" to be taken seriously.
Being able to get resources with a justification designed for this activity
feels reasonable. There are a lot of successes which in turn improve the
reliability of the network, increase the security (national and personal),
improve performance and localize traffic. I'm sure you already know this.
The "Fraud" system would seem to be the right check and balance here


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