I have indeed shown my point of view without explaining the exact
reasons (I said it caused trouble and I agree that it is a very vague
I redirect you to these links that resumes with better words my point of


Good reading

Le 16/09/2016 22:22, mdn a écrit :
> I am just a lurker a seeker of knowledge on this email list and tend to
> stay out of discussions knowing that I don't have has much knowledge has
> the people discussing here.
> But I can't stay an say nothing on this subject I speak for Myself and
> only Myself and my response is
> no, I don't want that
> Your heart may be in the right place but we all know where this leads.
> COC like the Contributor Covenant have made enough trouble and it has to
> stop.
> Le 16/09/2016 22:06, Sam Pablo Kuper a écrit :
>> I am still new to this community, and am more of a lurker than a
>> contributor.
>> Many of the projects I am interested in have a code of conduct of some
>> kind, typically based on the Contributor Covenant[0]. If they are
>> well-written and proportionate, I find them welcoming. And I,
>> correspondingly, welcome them. Not because anything especially terrible
>> has happened to me in such communities, but because it would send a
>> clear message that nothing terrible should happen to me or to anyone
>> else as a result of participating, and that were such to happen, it
>> would not be tolerated lightly.
>> I searched this mailing list's archive, the Rhombus Tech wiki, and the
>> elinux.org wiki, for evidence of a code of conduct.
>> Happily, the elinux.org wiki does effectively have a code of conduct:
>> http://elinux.org/ELinuxWiki:Policies_%26_Guidelines
>> However, neither the arm-netbook mailing list nor the Rhombus Tech wiki
>> has one, as far as I can see.
>> Does anyone else here think it would be, on balance, a good idea to
>> adopt a Code of Conduct, perhaps based on the Contributor Covenant[0],
>> for some combination of: this mailing list; the Rhombus Tech wiki?
>> I would welcome concise responses in this thread, ideally formatted
>> along the lines:
>> """
>> - arm-netbook list: yes.
>> - Rhombus Tech wiki: yes.
>> """
>> I would, personally, *not* welcome receiving supporting arguments for
>> your position, for the following reasons:
>> - I am much more interested in the community's view on whether or not
>> adopting such a code would be a good idea, than its view on why it would
>> or would not be a good idea.
>> - In discussions of the merits of such codes of conduct, both supporters
>> and detractors typically raise pros or cons that have already been
>> raised, by them or others, in at least one of the many such discussions
>> that have occurred other communities. That is, the arguments on both
>> sides of the debate are quite well-worn. I would prefer anyone
>> interested in such pros and cons to look them up (e.g. search the Web)
>> than to expend effort re-hashing them here.
>> - Such discussions of rationale often become contentious. The last thing
>> I want is to cause acrimony on the list.
>> I hope that affirmative replies will predominate. If they do, then I
>> will at some point in the future probably add a draft Code of Conduct
>> page to the Rhombus Tech wiki and/or ask Luke to add one to the mailing
>> list web page[1], as appropriate (unless someone else acts first). If
>> they don't, or if nobody replies, then I'll quietly let this go.
>> Thanks :)
>> spk
>> [0] http://contributor-covenant.org/
>> [1] http://lists.phcomp.co.uk/mailman/listinfo/arm-netbook
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