On Thu, Dec 8, 2016 at 7:41 AM, Tzafrir Cohen <tzaf...@cohens.org.il> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 07, 2016 at 04:49:36PM +0100, Ythogtha wrote:
>>       I'm new on this list, so hello everybody :)
>> If I may make a small remark...
>> I feel that somehow, having a library installed only to know wether some 
>> other
>> software is present or not feels the wrong way to do things.
> I don't have SELinux enabled on my system. Still many core components on
> my system are linked with libselinux.so.1. Will you fork Debian to
> patch out the SELinux support?

I don't see libselinux.so.1 on my debian system.

> What is the actual overhead?
> libsystemd0 takes 646kb of disk space. It adds a negligible amount of
> memory and run time (for the case of not using systemd).
> Removing it adds a huge amount of
>>       Software already have dependencies and depency checking, wether it is 
>> at
>> build-time or run-time.
>>       If you write a software that could use any part of systemd, you
>> shouldn't force the presence of libsystemd to find out if the parts you might
>> want are present !
>>       Either it is a compile-time feature, then if you compile it without
>> systemd, you'll have to rebuild it again if you decide to install systemd, 
>> or it
>> is a run-time feature, and a simple check for dynamically loading a shared
>> library should be enough to know wether libsystemd is present.
>>       So I don't see the point in having libsystemd if you do not have any
>> part of systemd installed !
>>       When I build ffmpeg, I don't need a lib_is_lame_present to be able to
>> use lame if it is present ! Either I build it with LAME=yes, and it will 
>> fail if
>> lame isn't there, or it will pass. What would be the point of having some 
>> other
>> library installed to know wether or not lame is there ?
>>       And if it weren't a compile-time dependency, but a dynamically loaded
>> library at runtime, the code just has to try to load the library and report 
>> that
>> the functionality isn't present if it fails.
> You confuse Debian with Gentoo. Gentoo is a distribution for those who
> rebuild all of their packages with various options. Along the way the
> unique sets of options lets the trigger their own unique bugs and thus
> they help test the various softwares.
> Debian is a binary distribution. There is a single set of build options
> for each package.
>>       It should be the same for a software using systemd. Either it is
>> compiled with libsystemd, therefore you need it to run it. Or it detects at
>> run-time wether a particular functionality is there, and there is no need to
>> rely on having libsystemd present to do that.
> How do you detect this at run time? Every program should write its own
> (buggy) test? No, it should use an existing test. Use libsystemd.
>>       The middle ground being to compile with libsystemd, and use it to 
>> detect
>> wether it is actually working and a specific functionality is available. But 
>> it
>> seems easy enough to allow for compiling without libsystemd and then assuming
>> sysytemd is never there and none of its functionality are usable.
>>       Rebuild it if things changes, that is the way to do it.
> This works in Gentoo. Not in Debian.
> --
> Tzafrir Cohen         | tzaf...@jabber.org | VIM is
> http://tzafrir.org.il |                    | a Mutt's
> tzaf...@cohens.org.il |                    |  best
> tzaf...@debian.org    |                    | friend
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