
Le Tue, 13 Dec 2016 17:46:11 +0000
Alexander Ross <> a écrit:

> heh im mostly sure luke had no desire for the keyboard to be modular,
> as keyboards where such a nightmere. the work for french keyboard
> firmware was for the same model but diff labels and key combos
> basicly. as i understand it.
> could be wrong but i think this is the case.

Broadly right. ISTR some rare keys might exist in FR that don't in US
(or the other way around), but essentially yes, FR vs US is a label and
combination issue.

However, that's for the laptop, which does not have a detachable
keyboard anyway, so is not affected indeed by any issue raised by the

Speaking of which, only the drivers should be affected by detaching /
attaching a detachable keyboard, and precisely, the drivers should
handle things so that upper layers don't need to care about the
keyboard attached/detached state (except very specific parts of the UI,
e.g. to show the detached/attached state and/or pop up a software
keyboard when the HW one is not here and keyboard input is needed). Most
certainly "all daemons up to GUI" should not be involved IMO.

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