On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 4:08 AM, zap <zap...@openmailbox.org> wrote:
> Just one question,


> I am assuming since there will be internal sd cards


> that your replacing
> one or both of the internal usbs?


> or am I wrong?

 removing the TSSOP-48 *NAND* IC, which leaves tracks free on layer 3
to route the (preferred) SDC2 interface through to the *internal*
MicroSD card slot, which was *previously* wired to SDC3.

according to this: http://linux-sunxi.org/BROM

 the boot order in the A20 eGON boot ROM is as follows:

* SDC0
* SDC2
* FEL (USB-boot)

note that MMC3 is *NOT* on that list.  so, where previously the boot order was:

* SDC0 (external on EOMA68 connector)

it's now:

* SDC0 (external on EOMA68 connector)
* SDC2 (internal on EOMA68-A20 Card)

both of which are removable, so i feel it's a hell of a lot better.

> By the way, I have a suggestion if you feel up to it,
> Debian 9 seems to be very close to stable, if you feel like it, and
> anyone wants it, install it for them.

 it's already been explained in a previous update... wherre is it...
ah ha! here you go:


 so, first things, it wouldn't work (because it is necessary to ship
with the sunxi 3.4.104+ kernel as it is the *only* linux kernel that
supports the *FULL* set of hardware, and systemd is *NOT COMPATIBLE*
with the 3.4 kernel) but secondly, i've done a heck of a lot of
comprehensive testing of what i'll be providing... which includes some
custom software compiles for things like the sunxi-vdpau drivers...
and i'm not about to spend the time redoing all that.  i simply don't
have time... and people are entirely free to do it themselves anyway.
just grab another MicroSD Card and prepare it.

> Whenever I order it, probably that will be what I will want.

 there will be a lot of people who will want the same thing.  they
will be either here on this list, or on debian-arm, or on the
(planned) eoma68.com forums... etc. etc.

 it's actually incredibly straightforward to get a Card set up with a new OS:

 err... then... err... copy that to a MicroSD card and... err.. that's
it.  done.

 this version looks a little more complicated:

 but is essentially the same thing.

 oh look: there's the same instructions in here:

 section 8, "rootfs" - or section 8.2 use debootstrap.

 the earlier sections describe setting up u-boot and linux kernel, but
you should by now have the general impression that this is *extremely*
well-documented.  google "sunxi a20 microsd boot" and you'll find
absolutely everything you need.

> I wish you the best of luck, not that you will need it. :)


> Hoping you don't get sick again also,

 i consulted an expert that i trust and they pointed out that the
symptoms are consistent with the presence of parasites.  i looked that
up, and found that some of the foods i've been craving... kill
parasites! yay!  so i was subconsciously on the right track, but it's
good to have positive confirmation as well as a TODO list - a list of
foods to avoid as much as ones that will help.

> I am glad you will be sticking the
> libre guidelines.  Even if it is a pain
> in the butt to be putting it lightly I am sure.

 *sigh* yeah it is... but there are plenty of people who don't... and
make a ton of money (because of the compromises)... and cause exactly
the kinds of problems we see that people complain about on a regular
and constant basis.

 only a new seed will yield a new crop.


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