crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68

On Fri, Apr 14, 2017 at 11:05 AM, GaCuest <gacu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> El 14 de abril de 2017 a las 7:37:24, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
> (l...@lkcl.net) escribió:
>> the idea there is to use an LCD that has *dual* control interfaces:
> Something like this?: http://hands.com/~lkcl/eoma/shenzen/frida/FRD3504503.pdf

 ... exactly like that :)  except i'm not a huge fan of resistive
panels... they are quite a lot cheaper though.

i've got a list of their LCDs, here:

they do a very nice 3.9in 800x480 IPS LCD, the only thing those
dual-row 0.3mm pitch connectors are a bitch.  FRD350H45142-CT has a
45Pin FPC, with a Capacitive Panel.


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