If you want to reinvent the Internet, you might consider looking at the
project. I don't claim to be an expert on it or anything it talks about,
but from
what I understand about it, GNUnet is trying to reinvent the internet to be
more decentralized, private, and efficient. Also look at
and http://youbroketheinternet.org/

On Mon, Apr 17, 2017 at 10:05 PM, Christopher Havel <laserhaw...@gmail.com>

> Mr Gibson, with all due respect (and forgive me for speaking out of a
> half-stupor -- I did way, way too much today, and it's almost 11pm -- in my
> defense, I solemnly swear I'm about to go to bed) --
> There is a vast group of people (my mother is sadly amongst them) who are
> of the belief that a perfectly sufficient quantity of "computer literacy"
> is the ability to turn the machine on and off, use some sort of email
> client, word processor, and web browser (without necessarily knowing the
> names of these programs) and being within arm's reach of "someone smart"
> who can entirely take over in times where genuine technical aptitude is
> required. Moreover, *these people actually believe, in essentially
> unshakable form, that they are freeing themselves (and everyone else) of
> some sort of massive burden by embracing the level of technological
> ignorance that they do.*
> You can't really reinvent the Internet (or much of computer anything --
> although, for better or worse, EOMA-68 plays well with their philosophy, at
> least on a hardware level) without addressing that demographic of people in
> some manner which is, quite frankly, likely to be distinctly unpleasant to
> all involved...
> ...so (pardon my utter lack of eloquence here) how do you propose to deal
> with such people, since they'll be the vast majority of your
> customers/clients/constituency/etc..?
> I'd offer up my thoughts on the matter, but they're not liable to be all
> that coherent right now -- so, instead, I'll keep my mouth shut so as to
> avoid potentially getting my foot caught in there... "better to remain
> silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all
> doubt"!
> Alright, good night, everybody...!
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