On Thu, Jun 15, 2017 at 3:11 PM, Neil Jansen <njans...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Can you share a screenshot or PDF or imgur link

 is the source code of the imgur proprietary service available so that
i can host my own version of imgur without being monitored?

 .... tell you what, i'll make a news update on a server that i have
access to, where i know it's entirely libre-hosted software by people
that i trust :)


 how's that? :)

 so.. you can see, the right-hand pads are really *really* close to
the edge of the PCB.  so for that exact same reason it's impossible to
bring the tracks in on the top layer.

 now, examination of one of the samples which was not properly
assembled (by hand), the DC3 connector was placed 1mm too far back..
but the pins were still successfully wired to the pads (right at the
very end).   so in theeeoorryyyy.... the left-most pads could be moved
up to 1mm to the left, then the right-most pads extended so that extra
amounts of solder paste can be dropped on them.

 thoughts appreciated.


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