On Thu, Jul 06, 2017 at 04:06:13PM +0100, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
> btw what i suspect is that tch is expecting to blithely copy the
> entire EOMA68-A20 hardware, with the expectation of spongeing off of
> the time and effort put into it.  just like he did by spongeing off of
> chris's work with the AR9271 chain of devices.
> what he doesn't realise is that it's dangerous to do that (hardware
> interoperability)  if he screws it up in even the smallest way it
> brings the entire EOMA68 project into disrepute.  you only have to
> look at how chinese clones of USB3 cables are screwing up the power
> provision and damaging people's devices to know that hardware is not
> something you mess about with.
> l.

Sounds like the divisions sadly are deeper than I thought. Thank you
for the clarification and all your work.


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