hiya richard, ok yes, took a look at what you wrote, http://lists.phcomp.co.uk/pipermail/arm-netbook/2017-September/014681.html and yes, really, a cutout and markup of the bits of the image you're re referring to would really do it. i've removed the 15mil clearance design rule, reverted back to the *standard* 6mil clearance that was is in place everywhere (and is now back in place as the standard blanket rule, no exceptions, i.e. it's all 6mil clearance from everything-to-everything.. oh... except the board edge of course, which is and always was 12mil)
so *part* of what you wrote is slightly out-of-date having done the flood-fill and also removed the GND spacing tracks... also suggest in future we refer to the online image names in full e.g. http://rhombus-tech.net/allwinner_a10/news/eoma68-a20-275-layer1-hdmi.jpg as that is unambiguous. so i'll stop sending images to the list and will use the URLs instead. l. _______________________________________________ arm-netbook mailing list arm-netbook@lists.phcomp.co.uk http://lists.phcomp.co.uk/mailman/listinfo/arm-netbook Send large attachments to arm-netb...@files.phcomp.co.uk