On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 08:16:05AM +0000, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 8:51 PM, Tzafrir Cohen <tzaf...@cohens.org.il> wrote:
> > Originally the issue was that it has failed to boot. Issues with the
> > boot loader. What about those? An issue with kernel >= 4.9 or so.
>  my understanding was, when i looked at this, was it's something to do
> with how old-uboot initialises the processor.... can't remember the
> details.  a "fix" was added as a parameter that allowed old-u-boot to
> boot newer kernels, and new-u-boot to boot older kernels.
>  however.... last year, when investigating, there was *another* issue,
> which is that somewhere around... i think it was 4.7rc1 ... it would
> systematically and totally unreliably come to a grinding halt at
> anywhere between 30 and 180 seconds into the boot.
>  i think i maybe did a HUNDRED AND FIFTY separate kernel compiles (git
> bisect and other techniques), trying for several DAYS to narrow down
> which commit was responsible, but because of the unreliability of the
> crashing it was near-impossible to narrow down.  the best / closest i
> could get was something like, "4.7rc1 is fine, 4.7rc5 isn't".
>  since then whatever underlying bug is there MIGHT have been tracked
> down and fixed, as there were people who were vaaaguely aware of the
> problem, on other hardware.

Now I am confused. In this reply
you have told me the reason for the kernel bug is/was a power
instability. So I thought this is going to be fixed and said kernel bug
is no more. 
Are there multiple kernel bugs?

kind regards

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