On Wed, Dec 27, 2017 at 10:25 AM, mike.v...@gmail.com
<mike.v...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2017-12-27 10:59 GMT+01:00 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <l...@lkcl.net>:
> Top note. You're writing like a TellSell ad.

 it happens - it's almost unavoidable at the quotes top level quotes
:)   the key difference here is that the very "product" if you will of
the MLM is *LITERALLY* being actually CREATED and can be put back in
to buying more shares in the MLM which then make more bitcoin which
then... round the loop for about the next 3-5 years.

> Also the worlds financial experts have a, perhaps healthy, fear of
> crypto currency's

 that's because they really, really don't understand it: all their
experience is based on fiat currencies.  and as crypto-currencies go
up in value, fiat currencies correspondingly and naturally *go down*.
this is something that everyone is forgetting, that, ultimately, the
value of fiat currencies is going to be quite literally worthless.

 a good book to read which outlines this in an easy to read fashion is
senator ron paul's book, "End the Fed".

> Although I think that is also based on lack of insight. It remains
> currency trading, which in itself is risky business.

 ah no.  that's one of the crucial mistakes.  i am *not* in the
*slightest* bit interested in currency *trading*.  it's risky, and
requires a huge amount of study, time and expertise to get it right.
i would in *no way* recommend to people to do *trading* of

 this is about mining, which is competely different, and i *have*
studied that in depth (over the years).

>> i have two separate and distinct questions:
>> (1) is there anyone who does NOT wish to put their own money into
>> buying bitclub shares who would like ME to sign them up, and, over the
>> next few weeks and months, PAY their membership AND pay for their
>> equipment.
> You sign me/us up, I/We pay?

 option (1)  i pay.  just not straight away, as i need to earn mining
and commission to do it.  i will prioritise people who have a direct
link to some libre software or hardware project, past, present or
future, prioritising further anyone who is specifically related to or
can help with the immediate goals of EOMA68 and/or the Libre-RISCV64

>> (2) is there anyone who CAN put their own money into bitclub who would
>> be interested to know more.  if yes, and you already know about
>> bitcoin mining and about MLM etc. the link is here
>> http://bitclub.network/lkcl
> I/We sign up and pay?

 option (2) you pay, yes.

>> the goal basically is to leverage this to become financially
>> independently wealthy, and use it to fund libre hardware and software.
>> there's about maybe 3 to 5 years in which bitcoin - specifically GROUP
>> mining NOT individual mining - is a viable way to do that.
> We pay a amount

 from $0 upwards, yes.

> and you enhance that amount via bitcoin group mining, right?

 if you have some relation to free software or libre hardware and have
or can demonstrate some committment to that... yes.

> If so, Mine/Our input is one-time or reoccurring?

 whatever you want to do, independently.  each person is entirely
sovereign and responsible for themselves.  i would *like* - it would
be nice - at some point for people to *also* start signing up *other
people* and buying *their* initial equipment.  the faster that is
done, i.e. the quicker you can get more people under your own network,
the higher the commissions.

 the numbers here are just insane.  the top levels are something like
USD $10,000 a *DAY*, actually probably far more than that.

> From what amount can I/We pitch in?

 anything from $0 to $99 to $600, $1100, $1600 or $3600.

> How well guarded is the group?

 they're pretty paranoid.  they just had a THIRD PARTY service get
hacked, just 10 days ago, their infrastructure detected the attack -
which was against the developer platform not the main one - within
under 15 minutes and they shut down the entire web front-end

> The biggest risk in these "markets" is

 please understand: this is NOT a market.  it's a mining operation.
there is a massive, massive difference.

> that if they get hacked the coins vanish at near lightning speed.

 this is not an "exchange", it is a *mining* operation.   the system
"outputs" mined bitcoin to a given address that YOU specify in your
web console, every day.  you are in complete control of what that is.
and are individually responsible for ensuring that you keep the
(local) wallet password etc. secure.  on YOUR personal device(s).

 i'll have to train people on that (i'm recommending electrum as the
ONLY way right now because your wallet is recoverable via a
distributed peer-to-peer NON corporate controlled network)


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