On Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 8:24 PM, Christopher Havel
<laserhaw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ron is not doing anything that will harm your project, Luke.

 he's calling into question my authority and the right as a Copyright
Holder of the word - and standard - "EOMA68", chris.  that's very very
serious.  and also publicly recorded.  you can double-check that by
re-reading the messages.

 i am REQUIRED to respond to that - by explicitly asserting that i AM
the sole exclusive Copyright Holder of EOMA68 and that i AM the sole
exclusive authority over the EOMA68 Standard, and that i cannot
tolerate people claiming that they are blithely and arbitrarily
permitted to ignore my authority under Copyright Law.

 i have to take this responsibility seriously, chris, otherwise we
might as well shut the entire project down, right now.

 do you wish me to terminate this project - the list, the crowdfunding
project, and to delete the EOMA68 standard page and to terminate the
rhombus-tech project hosting - RIGHT NOW?

 please answer very simply, yes or no.

 i am quite happy to do so if people do not wish to take this
seriously and respect my authority, position and role as the Copyright
Holder and Guardian of the EOMA68 Standard.


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