On 2/24/18, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <l...@lkcl.net> wrote:
>  it does, and it has.  the cases that i've heard about have involved
> Trademarks rather than Certification Marks: the same branch of law
> applies.  it's very simple: if someone creates a "clone" and the
> *clone* kills someone or starts destroying and/or damaging electronic
> devices, someone has to take action.

That makes sense.
Recognizing standards organisations as a victim (of eroding public
trust), that motivates the organization to perform more of a watch-dog
service by initiating class-action lawsuits on behalf of themselves
and the public-at-large.

>  https://noram.pecb.com/en/about-noram
>  damn.  going to have to set something up that's pretty much exactly
> like every single one of the *9* pages listed on the right-hand side.
>  dang.

I'll help with editing if welcome.
Bear in mind, the most vital future audience of said documents will
likely be the people you end up training down  the road. The ethics of
the community may be obvious to the most vocal of us on the list, but
having impactful reminders set in stone will sustain the focus of
those who are less vocal and forget to set reminders for themselves of
their own principles.
(such people are rather common, but, for the more passionate among us,
they maybe difficult to understand or empathize with. Such documents
fuel cooperation when well written, but, also bear in mind, PECB's
audience likely reads much more densely than ours will.)

>  question: how do you propose that people not get murdered by the
> incompetence of an individual who blatantly disregards a hardware
> standard's safety warnings?  (we are extremely lucky that nobody has
> murdered anyone through the deployment of "bad-usb").

Yup, I'm thinking longterm and asking myself "out-loud" exactly that.
Setting aside these really hack-y patent-left ideas, I can only
imagine expressing deeper morals in design of global information
networks is a prerequisite to any clean fix here and that will take a
very long while even upon interest in such initiative hopefully
growing soon.
Another prerequisite is probably the simplification of PCB-design and
more interest in auditing, but that's not even a topic that's
noticeably talked about, except in the fringes of the open source
community and often only with regards to RISC.

There are people who may have access to a large community without
access to the internet (say an oppressive regime or in the
wilderness), who might get a hold of a card with offline documentation
and CAD-designs. Their adaptations and designs shouldn't be de facto
dangerous if found and uploaded to the internet.

I would hope this can be remedied before we colonize Mars.

I never doubted you about the dangers.

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