>> Yep, the Monero devs are very much dedicated to "egalitarian mining",
>> which I think gets closer to Satoshi's original intent,[1][2] and makes
>> something like javascript browser-based mining possible, which then
>> opens up an entire new set of ethical concerns, even if it's a tiny step
>> towards fair hashrate distribution. [3][4]
>> What are the other options?  POS coins take very little energy, but "the
>> rich get richer", and the more coin you have, the more you stake, etc.
>> Not very egalitarian either.  Or some insta-premine like Ripple, where I
>> just make a bajillion tokens out of thin air and then start selling them
>> for a tenth of a cent each?  Neither of those seem like better
>> distribution schemes to me.  So, how do we get newly mined coins into as
>> many hands as possible?
>> Definitely an interesting conundrum.
>> - krt
>> ---
I think it is safe to say that cryptocurrencies aren't very feasible
right now.

My thoughts are: Liberapay is a good idea,

I don't know if anything else is anywhere near as good.
>> [1] https://getmonero.org/2018/02/11/PoW-change-and-key-reuse.html
>> [2]
>> https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitmain-announces-new-monero-mining-antminer-x3-cryptos-devs-say-will-not-work
>> [3] https://arxiv.org/pdf/1803.02887.pdf
>> [4] https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/02/27/ethical_coinhive/
>> -- 
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