On 1/4/20, zap <zap...@disroot.org> wrote:

> hmm... okay. I must've gotten confused then.

yes :)  it's what's *not* done that matters, not what *is* done.

> I will wait to see your
> plans and whether you plan to make your own risc-v or openpower
> processor then.


absolute to-the-letter RV64GC compliance in *userspace*... *ONLY*.
with full POWER compliance in ***BOTH*** userspace  ****AND**** kernelspace.

> Oh, okay. I wonder how much the softcore's use in watts.
> https://openpowerfoundation.org/openpower-summit-north-america-2019-introducing-the-microwatt-fpga-soft-cpu-core/

a lot, compared to an ASIC - this is to be expected.


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