On Sun, 2010-11-28 at 11:14 +0000, Peter Robinson wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 5:16 PM, Chris Tyler <ch...@tylers.info> wrote:
> > hardfp would break compatibility with all of the existing binary
> > packages, and hardfp can't be compiled by gcc for any of the CPUs I have
> > got my hands on so far.

They key point here, as I sort this out, is that *the gcc we currently
have in Fedora* does not support hardfp on vfp-equipped CPUs.

> It would seem that its a definite second repository like i686/x86-64
> but it also seems that there's patches pending for gcc 4.5.1 so it
> might a F-15 target unless we can get an updated gcc for F-14 but the
> BeagleBoard and n900 should both support some version of hardfp

Agreed, this really is boiling down to the question:

(a) Do we use a different compiler than is currently included in Fedora,

(b) Do we wait until a version of gcc that supports hardfp on vfp is
available in Fedora (4.5.x, likely in the F15 timeframe).

I don't want to wait for (b) but I think it's a better option than (a).


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