On 12/30/10 22:28, Somebody in the thread at some point said:

>> At that time the alternative it was being compared to was a real
>> 532MHz ARM11 with 128MB of DDR, it was able to compile "much" faster
>> than the qemu box. This year there are Cortex A9 ARM boxes available
>> are much faster than that and next year there'll be Cortex A15 ~2GHz
>> quad core natively. Qemu and intel boxes aren't getting faster at that
>> kind of rate any more.
> No there is a huge performance difference from what I have seen. However
> I did get some boost by using a newer kernel, and by switching the boards.
> I was just trying to determine whether or not I should bother try to
> test ARM11xx for qemu compilation speed or whether I should try
> something else.

I don't think it'll make much difference since what's making qemu slow 
will remain the same if it's emulating ARM9 or ARM11 or whatever.

But the bigger point is it'd be OK suffering somewhat with a slow qemu 
for a while if you know in the long run that the way you're doing it 
will win out and you gained experience with it.  But it seems to me qemu 
is already way inferior to native ARM devices and the performance gap 
between qemu and native hardware is set to get dramatically worse in the 
next year or so.

The only benefit you can squeeze out of qemu that's hard with a real 
board is radical amounts of RAM, and I guess that too will be possible 
with real boards shortly at a reasonable price.

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