On 01/06/11 16:17, Somebody in the thread at some point said:

Hi -

> Digging a bit more, it seems that bin-arm/diet segfaults when executed
> without any parameters, so it seems that this is the bit that
> miscompiled somewhere.

Did you try running it in gdb and get a clue about what blows?

> It turns out that the problem is actually to do witha GCC bug. When it
> is building bin-arm/diet with -Ox (x = {s,2,3}) , the resulting binary
> segfaults. When the binary is built with -O1 or -O0, it works fine.

Is there a particular gcc bug you traced it down to?  Because it does 
not follow that all changes to program behaviour with different 
optimization options are necessarily gcc bugs; it can show up 
broken-ness in code that happens to not show symptoms according to how 
it is compiled.

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