Fedora 13 ARM users can now update to use a new repository composed on March 
23rd. This new compose adds additional software and includes software groups.

The Beta2 has been signed with a new key. If you are currently running the 
Beta1 you will need to install the new key which can be done by entering:

rpm -Uvh 

And replace the fedora.repo file:

mv /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo.rpmnew /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo

The Fedora 13 ARM Beta2 compose can be found at :


A new root filesystem is available here. The password for the root account 
remains “fedoraarm”.

We are asking users of Fedora ARM for some feedback. Is there something 
missing? Is the software included so far working as expected? Any other 
suggestions? Please forward feedback to the mailing list
arm mailing list

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