On 10/13/2011 02:32 PM, Jon Masters wrote:
> Thanks for asking it. I thought we'd already pretty much decided to
> "support" TrimSlice and PandaBoard/BeagleBoard for example.

That's certainly what we've done with the kernel so far.

Let me precede the following by saying I don't think anybody is 
advocating updating the uboot in flash, so the following is exclusively 
with regard to systems which store their uboot where Anaconda will want 
to overwrite.  Let's break down the possibilities for how to handle that:

1. Provide no uboot under any circumstances as part of the install.

2. Provide a mechanism that pulls uboot images from a non-Fedora 
location during install-time if needed for the intended installation target.

3. Provide a mechanism that pulls uboot images from a non-Fedora 
location during installer image composition, if needed for the intended 
installation target.

4. Provide certain u-boots as a piece of some firmware package that get 
put in place at install time, if needed.

5. Provide uboot-panda (etc) rpms that get put in place at install time, 
if needed.

Any of 2-5 are an improvement.  What do people favor?

Brendan Conoboy / Red Hat, Inc. / b...@redhat.com
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