Ho Jon,

On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 6:41 AM, Jon Masters <j...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 2011-10-18 at 22:09 -0500, Dennis Gilmore wrote:
>> So ive done some thinking, and talked with some of the stakeholders.
>> Ive come to the conclusion that we should skip f16 and shoot straight
>> for rawhide. two reasons for this. one to become a primary arch at some
>> point we need to be caught up and doing releases at the same time. my
>> long term goal is for arm to become a primary arch and the second
>> reason why i think that we should skip f16 is that its easier to get
>> help from maintainers when doing things in rawhide.  I wanted to get a
>> quick note out there to get discussion going.
> Thanks for sending this Dennis. We spoke about this briefly at the tail
> end of last week since you were out this way, and as I said then, I
> think this is both a good idea and essential to us making progress
> toward being a primary architecture by this time next year. If we can
> get ourselves building rawhide by the new year, we get F17 for free.
> That then gives us a compelling case for F18 as primary arch. If we miss
> this time around, we're back in the cycle we've been in which isn't
> really going to let us achieve satisfactory world domination ;)

So what's the status of this? Are we using the F-15 as the external
repo base for building F-17? When is it going to happen? My
understanding is we have enough of both arches built that we can start
this rolling. It would be good to see some public movement on this now
and to get this rolling rather than delaying further.

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