On 03/30/2012 05:35 PM, "Andy Green (林安廸)" wrote:
It's great that you're doing this, but I don't think dding partition +
filesystems is a good idea.

It's definitely tricky to get right. The number of possible configurations makes it tricky to do an efficient selection of images. I may end up doing a combination tegra+omap+etc image to cut down the waste.

We found that various "8GB" SD cards have different absolute numbers of
available sectors, it can lead to eventual filesystem corruption if your
image is slightly large than someone else's card.

Well, the image is being created out of a sparse file with 8000 1048576 byte sectors. If that proves too many it would be little trouble to drop it down to 7900 or something. We'll see how it goes in practice.

If someone's going to try this they're probably OK running fdisk and
using tarballs.

Yeah, the uboot enabled kernel tarball will probably be the most universally useful. I personally had plenty of trouble marking working uboot files so leveraging David Marlin's work on grubby will hopefully spare others that trouble. Meanwhile, a number of people have asked for images they can dd, so I'm trying to fulfill both needs.

I've been using Peter's F17 alpha1 image and following progress with
updates, it's been very good.  It's stuck as of last week with
gnome-shell problems though.  But generally package completeness has
been increasing really well last few weeks, great job.

What are the gnome-shell problems? Perhaps they're well known but I'm not acquainted with them. If we're missing a package that will help things out let me know and I'll put it in the next snapshot.

Brendan Conoboy / Red Hat, Inc. / b...@redhat.com
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