Can someone with a spare F17 (ARMv5 or ARMv7) machine, a network connection, 
and some sort of GUI capability try installing this package of Anaconda?
I can't promise any of this will work or even run but I'd be interested in 
hearing any success or failure test runs/cases.
The only system I could run this on at work is a Guru with F17 ARMv5 in 
text-mode which Anaconda sets to not show the package selection screen/part.

To download the v5 version of it:
# curl -sL 
 -o ana.rpm

To download the v7 version of it:
# curl -sL 
 -o ana.rpm

To install the file:
# rpm -i ana.rpm

If you run into dependency requirement install errors, you can get all of them 
in one command with:
# yum install -y `rpm -i ana.rpm 2>&1 | awk '{ print $1 }'`

To run it (I think...):
# anaconda

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