On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 1:14 PM, Jared K. Smith <jsm...@fedoraproject.org>wrote:

> I'm sorry if this has been discussed in the last couple of meetings,
> as I wasn't able to make them (and haven't yet seen the logs of
> yesterday's meeting).  To make a long story short, I'm looking for
> feedback on ways that we can make sure the Fedora ARM team continues
> to grow and scale and be productive as we inch closer to being a
> Primary Architecture in Fedora.
> Let me use my own experience as an example here.  I've been part of
> the ARM SIG since almost the beginning -- I've been in many (if not
> most) of the weekly meetings, I have two ARM devices up and running on
> my workbench, and I like to pretend I know at least enough to be
> dangerous.  I try to follow the deep dark issues the core technical
> group is working on, but don't always understand what they're talking
> about.  My question is this -- what can mere mortals like myself do
> (from either a technical or non-technical) standpoint to help keep
> things moving forward.  There was a time when I was able to spend a
> bit of time every day helping out with pushing builds in koji and
> trying to track down packages that won't build correctly -- is that
> still needed?
> Are there "janitor level" tasks that folks can start on to get their
> feet wet and start contributing?  Is there specific documentation that
> needs to be written?  Tools that need to be tested?  Scripts that need
> to be written?
> I'm willing (as always) to put my time where my mouth is and help out
> -- please help guide me (and others in the group) in what you'd like
> us to do!
> --
> Jared Smith


+1 to your comments. I am extremely interested in helping however possible,
but its can be difficult jumping on to a moving train. As I mentioned in
the meeting yesterday, I may be easier to wait until FUDCon, but if there
is low hanging fruit that new people can work on putting it on the wiki
would be helpful.

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