#fedora-meeting-2: Fedora ARM & AArch64 Status Meeting

Meeting started by pwhalen at 15:00:23 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
* next week is Linaro Connect in Hong Kong.  There will be a
  cross-distro session there setup by Riku  (pwhalen, 15:20:44)
* LINK: https://hkg15.pathable.com/meetings/250818   (pwhalen, 15:20:59)
* 1) ==== F22 Planning (armhfp) ====  (pwhalen, 15:24:17)
  * F22 testing underway, desktop looks good.  Allwiner devices, Jetson
    TK1 working, plus traditional devices  (bconoboy, 15:26:50)
  * Fedup support not tested yet (rawhide repo is missing installation
    tree)  (bconoboy, 15:27:21)
  * F22 anaconda needs to add fdtdir to extlinux.conf.  bz# dgilmore?
    (bconoboy, 15:33:01)
  * Server Image being added for F22  (bconoboy, 15:34:39)

* 2) ==== F22 Planning (aarch64) ====  (pwhalen, 15:35:45)
  * Similarly, fedup needs an official compose to be tested  (bconoboy,
  * Fedora kernel needs usb support for mustang  (pwhalen, 15:43:49)

* 3) == Open Floor ==  (pwhalen, 15:45:34)
  * The Raspberry Pi 2 is expected to work with the Fedora userspace,
    but the kernel is not yet upstream and there may be firmware
    licensing issues.  (bconoboy, 15:49:54)
  * Initial support likely to be handled via remix courtesy of
    ctyler/seneca  (bconoboy, 15:50:55)
  * Further details in the log of this session  (bconoboy, 15:51:06)

Meeting ended at 15:59:24 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* pwhalen (51)
* bconoboy (33)
* ctyler (30)
* masta (18)
* yselkowitz1 (7)
* zodbot (6)
* dmarlin (5)
* danofsatx (1)
* ahs3 (0)
* hrw (0)
* kyle (0)
* pbrobinson (0)
* jonmasters (0)
* jsmith (0)
* dgilmore (0)

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