> Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2020 15:34:07 +0100
> From: Marcus MERIGHI <mcmer-open...@tor.at>
> Hello!
> Just got my Pinebook Pro. What a beauty!
> And I am forced to stay at home because of SARS-COV-II/COVID-19.
> This lucky coincidence is dulled by my incapability to install OpenBSD
> on the Pinebook Pro.
> I've tried everything I could find, from:
>   https://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/arm64/INSTALL.arm64
>   "Install on systems without a supported miniroot:"
> ... to various hints on forums.pine64.org, which mostly relate to the
> pinebook (w/o "pro"). 
> Initially OpenBSD -current install ran ok until the point where the
> firmware for the bwfm(4) wifi was not found.
> I then used the upgrade script that comes with the original OS.
> Afterwards I only ever got to the boot> prompt where it never finds
> anything to boot/install from.
> I have the output from serial saved, see below.
> Has anyone got a hint for me?
> Thanks, Marcus
> U-Boot 2017.09-04112-gb8e0774-dirty (Feb 07 2020 - 12:45:13 -0500)

Unfortunately that particular version of U-Boot has an annoying bug
that makes it impossible for the OpenBSD bootloader to detect the
device you booted from.

Maybe I should look into implementing a workaround for this.  But for
now your only option is to use a different bootloader.  Sometimes it
helps to stick a usb stick into the device, so that may be worth a try.

Unfortunately there is still no support for the pinebook pro in
upstream U-Boot.  Some OpenBSD developers have built a working
firmware.  Maybe patrick@ or otto@ will chime in to help you out here.

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