> At this point the Allwinner H616 SoC isn't supported by OpenBSD.  But
> it is fairly close the the H6, so it shouldn't be very difficult to
> add support for it.
Yeah, kernel already boots fine; Other thing might be that the SD Card
is not detected; My attempts to netboot also failed because the nic
seems to lose link when requesting RARP for a second, and timeouts
before the link is back (but that might also be related to the switch I
have it on)

> The particular problem you're seeing is caused by the lack of a clock
> controller driver.  This means that com(4) assumes a default clock
> value that doesn't match what's needed for your board.  This makes it
> switch to some weird baud rate after the "WARNING: CHECK AND RESET
Ah, that makes a lot of sense. I might want to check if i can motivate
the buspirate to be a bit more flexible there...

> I can have a stab at adding support for the H616 SoC.  In fact I
> already have a diff to fix the:
> > "pinctrl" at simplebus0 not configured
Would be really appreciated. Is the diff already in in CURRENT, or
should I give cross-compiling/grabbing a Pi4 for building a shot?

> If by any chance you're willing to donate one of your boards, let me
> know.  Having a board would help us with adding support for this SoC.
Writing an additional mail off-list.

With best regards,

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig

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