On Fri, 16 Feb 2001, M.A. Johnson wrote:

> Yann forwards:
>      At a time when the top 1% of U.S. citizens owns more wealth than
>      the bottom 95% the new U.S. President wants to further cut the taxes
>      of that wealthiest 1% while vast numbers of the bottom 95% live
>      paycheck-to-paycheck and owe enormous credit card debts.
> MJ
>      Those 'wealthiest' persons currently 'contribute' a 33% 'share'
>       of the income taxes extracted while only creating 15% of the
>       earnings.
>       Those bottom 50% pay less than 5% of the income tax burden.
>       Why should any person pay more or less to fund a monopoly service
>       which has force as its insurance to obedience?
> John
>       Answer: Simple benefits received principle.
> MJ
> So if this nation were to be 'invaded' ... the military would surround
> and protect individuals and their estates (property) in descending
> order based upon the amount of taxes paid?


You don't have to look that far. Rich locations in cities are much more
protected by the police against property theft than the poor locations. So
yes, the army would first protect important people, who are all rich
people, and then think about the less rich. The other rich people would
pay for some militia trained by the government (mercenaries who were
previously Navy SEALS, SAS, etc., so that acquiring them is acquiring
government expenses). The non-rich can't pay for "retired" Navy SEALS, but
they payed for their training.

Also, nearly everywhere, it's one dollar, one vote. So the rich have
much more influence on the policies of governments than the poor. As a
result, policies are necessarily in favor of the rich, or help them in
their goal of staying rich.

Of course, not only individual humans can be rich : I include corporations
as individuals who may be described as rich.

All policies that help the poor are only there so that these poor don't
get too pissed off, hang the rich and party in their properties. The
aristocrats failed there. They were decapitated.

Those existing policies that the rich don't like only become reality
because if they did not exist, the police/army would not be able to
contain the anger of the poor.

With this inclusion of corporations, you see that government is an
appendix of the rich to make sure they stay rich and become richer.

The fact that the system helps the poor a little bit is only a side-effect
of that main goal : preserve the rich and make them richer.

Look at all political decisions : *if* one of them doesn't satisfy one
particular rich guy, that's because :

1/ it satisfies some other rich guy(s), who's richer, or who badly want(s)
to get richer,


2/ it makes sure there'll be no social unrest.


  Yann Le Du                      E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Theoretical Physics             Web   : http://cdfinfo.in2p3.fr/~ledu/
  1, Keble Road
  University of Oxford
  Oxford, OX1 3NP                 Phone : (44) (0)1865 273 989
  United Kingdom                  Fax   : (44) (0)1865 273 947

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