Great news for me ... I'm a Libertarian Paternalist!
I've long "what" I am, but just not the name.

I ESPECIALLY like the need of humans to direct money flow into
different accounts.  I support many gov't individual accounts:
a forced savings retirement account (SMART or whatever)--the second
pillar in 3-pillar pension reform schemes like Slovakia (first pillar
is poverty income to all, almost irrespective of contribution; third
pillar is optional tax-advantaged savings, like IRAs).

Health care & catastrophic insurance would be good, too.

I'd like an individual unemployment account; required to donate
until it reaches enough to pay you half your last year's salary (or
poverty income for year plus half the difference).

I'd like automatically elligible educational tax-loans, where you pay
back the loan by using some 50% of your tax payment; possibly plus a
5-10% surtax on income above poverty level.

The point is to make voters have their own accounts, so they are
mostly benefiting from their own money.  Only then, I believe, will
we be able to start making progress against the immorality of using
gov't violence in order to claim "other people's money".

And, maybe, even start reducing that corporate welfare that sucks up
so many tax resources.

NOT a libertarian socialist -- a paternalist.


now have a new address:

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