--- Stephen Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  do voters or people in general care if their
> political beliefs are logically inconsistent with each other or their
> non-political moral beliefs?

It seems to me that for most cog-dis, the person does not realize he is
holding contradictory propositions.
If the contradiction is pointed out and the person reacts by simply denying
it, that person may just not believe the accusation, and not want to
challenge his thoughts, but still believe they are not contradictory.

Does anyone have a clear example of persons who consciously hold
contradictory propositions, knowing that two propositions they believe are
contradictory yet still believing both?

Cognitive dissidence may often be compartmentalization.  In one context,
one believes A=B, while in another context, one believes A=C, and one also
believes that B not = C.  That is because they don't move A,B,C to the same
mental compartment where the contradiction would have to be confronted.

Fred Foldvary


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