"Roger J. Forsgren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Here's a problem I have with economics, and also with engineering, to

tell the truth: it's this idea that if we can't quantify a thing,

then it doesn't exist.<


Ask him about the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, and Goedel in mathematics.


> Of course in engineering it's a lot easier to attach quantities to things,


plus or minus


> since we deal in physical entities.


They only appear to be so.


> I guess it comes down to this: what's it worth to have a huge

national goal, like going to Mars?


The worth is subjective.


>they can't

quantify the ‘inspiration factor’ for lack of a better word.”<


How do you know?


> My question is, as someone who makes economic analysis their profession, how do you respond to criticisms like the above, and explain it to laypeople?<


If they make assertions, ask them how they know.


Fred Foldvary

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