--- Jeffrey Rous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The American poverty line today is someone around
the real median income of Americans in 1950.<

Can you provide the evidence?

The official poverty line is three times the minimal
food cost.  Since housing costs have risen much higher
proportionally relative to food, with many poor folk
spending half their income for housing rental, it
seems to me that three times food costs would buy
fewer goods.  Housing costs in the 1950s were of
course much lower relative to wages.  So one cannot
just look at real income, but also on the cost of
living, especially housing.

Of course there are goods today that were not
available in the 1950s, some of which the poor own,
such as microwave ovens, but in terms of purchasing
power for goods in general, aside from technological
improvements, I see little evidence that the poor
today are better off.

Fred Foldvary

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