"Pierre Lemieux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" wrote:

> Your hypothesis is intriguing, but I would think that a better way to
> explian why rich tax protestors are rare is simply that the opportunity
> cost of their time is high and, so, the cost of collective action is much
> higher for them. (It is true, though, that their expected benefits might be
> higher since, indeed, they are more likely to have an influence.)

The proper reference for comparison would be: what percentage of 
politically active rich people are against progressive taxes, 
vis-a-vis the same fraction for poor and middle class people?

> Moreover, some wealthy individuals do support libertarian organizations,
> which is a way to be a tax protestor at a lower cost (for them). 

Like above, are a higher percentage of rich folks libertarian than 
among middle class and poor people?  I would guess so, but I would 
also say a higher percentage of rich people are left/liberal than 
among the general population -- chalk it up to overeducation.

> A standard anomaly: people like Bill Gates, who supports all the PC causes 
> espoused by the tyrant who persecutes him!

Ralph Ellison (CEO of Oracle) must really hate his guts.  Did Ralph 
Ellison whine about Gates and Microsoft on behalf of the anti-trust 
suit, like the Netscape and Sun people?

Sourav Mandal

Sourav K. Mandal

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Physics

"In enforcing a truth we need severity rather than
efflorescence of language. We must be simple, 
precise, terse."

                      -- Edgar Allan Poe, 
                        "The Poetic Principle"

Sourav K. Mandal

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Physics

"In enforcing a truth we need severity rather than
efflorescence of language. We must be simple, 
precise, terse."

                      -- Edgar Allan Poe, 
                         "The Poetic Principle"


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