I got that as well.  I have decided at the moment _not_ to sign it only
because I haven't studied enough of what Bush is about to make an informed

But you ask whether an economist as economist can sign such an endorsement?
Why not?  If it turns out that the other candidate proposes economic policy
which are counter-productive _from the point of view of the advocate_ of
those policies cannot the economist point that out?  Listening to the
Democratic convention there was a lot of rhetoric in the speeches about
proposed economic policy with regard to health and education which forgot
that intentions and results don't always line up.  If say, I advocate
universal health care, and to achieve that I propose policies ABC to achieve
that result, but simple economic reasoning could demonstrate that following
ABC will _not_ generate universal health care, but instead even more
difficulties in health care provision --- then the economist as economist
can say that candidate 2 advocating ABC would be a bad choice if what you
value is universal health care.

Of course, economists as citizens can say a lot more, but that wasn't your

Dr. Peter J. Boettke, Deputy Director
James M. Buchanan Center for Political Economy
Department of Economics
George Mason University, MSN 3G4
Fairfax, VA 22030
(703) 993-1149
fax (703) 993-1133
homepage: http://www.gmu.edu/departments/economics/pboettke

----- Original Message -----
From: Robin Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 1:24 PM
Subject: Bush vs. Gore

> I got this email asking me to endorse Bush's economic positions.
> Anyone have a similar thing from Gore?   Can an economist, as
> economist, favor one set of policies over the other as better
> economic policy?
> >Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2000 23:28:22 EDT
> >
> >Dear Colleague,
> >
> >We are writing to ask whether you would be willing to sign on to an
> >economists' statement (included at the end of this email) describing and
> >endorsing George W. Bush's economic proposals in this presidential
> >Some of the economists who have already signed on include Gary Becker,
> >Buchanan, Milton Friedman, Anne Krueger, Robert Lucas, Robert Mundell,
> >Scholes, Anna Schwartz, George Shultz, Vernon Smith, and Finis Welch. It
> >would be great if you could do it as well.
> >
> >If you are willing, please reply to this email with the message "I will
> >the statement. My affiliation is _____." (Your affiliation is for
> >identification purposes only.)
> >
> >The economists' statement, along with the list of endorsers, will be
> >on the web site www.Economists4Bush.org. The Bush-Cheney 2000 campaign
> >use the statement and the names in its advertising.
> >
> >Economists4Bush is a forum where economists who support Governor Bush's
> >economic plan can exchange ideas and discuss how to promote his
> >
> >Thanks very much.
> >
> >James Carter
> >Co-Chair, Economists4Bush
> >
> >John Cogan
> >Hoover Institution
> >
> >Ted Covey
> >Co-Chair, Economists4Bush
> >
> >Lawrence Lindsey
> >American Enterprise Institute
> >
> >James C. Miller III
> >Citizens for a Sound Economy
> >
> >John B. Taylor
> >Stanford University
> >
> >Robert Tollison
> >University of Mississippi
> >
> >****Economists' Statement on George W. Bush's Economic Plan****
> >
> >We enthusiastically endorse the economic plan put forth by George W.
Bush. It
> >is based on conservative revenue projections and sensible spending
> >and will create more economic growth and greater opportunities for all
> >Americans.
> >
> >His economic plan would:
> >
> >Strengthen Social Security by creating voluntary personal retirement
> >accounts. Such accounts are an essential part of any credible plan to
> >social security. They help all Americans build wealth that can be passed
> >to their children.
> >
> >Cut income tax rates and leave more money in the hands of the people who
> >it. Income tax rates are now especially high on people with low incomes.
> >lower a taxpayer's income, the greater is the tax cut as a percentage of
> >income.
> >
> >Make scholarships available to families whose children are trapped in
> >that do not meet minimum state standards. Such scholarships will hold
> >accountable, give children better opportunities, and enable every child,
> >regardless of background, to receive the education needed for high
> >jobs in the new economy of the 21st century.
> >
> >Hold down the growth of government spending, through biennial budgeting,
> >constitutional line-item veto, and a bipartisan commission to cut
> >spending. These budget reforms will help redirect spending toward our
> >priorities-including a strong national defense, while continuing to pay
> >the national debt.
> >
> >Promote free trade around the world by restoring the president's
> >negotiating authority and then using it to reduce trade
> >the complete elimination of agricultural export subsidies and tariffs
> >worldwide.
> >
> >Combined with Governor Bush's support for tort reform, for regulatory
> >and for a monetary policy of low inflation and maximum sustainable
> >growth, these proposals represent a comprehensive, pro-growth, reform
> >*************************************
> Robin Hanson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://hanson.gmu.edu
> Asst. Prof. Economics, George Mason University
> MSN 1D3, Carow Hall, Fairfax VA 22030-4444
> 703-993-2326  FAX: 703-993-2323

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