Chris, would you mind telling us what the variances of u1, u2, and u3
were?  I think you gave us all the necessary info, but I'm too lazy. :-)

On personality/motivation, there is a large literature in personality
psychology finding that IQ and Conscientiousness are uncorrelated.

A while back I said that the Card/Krueger minimum wage study was at the
90th percentile of quality for published empirical work.  I would put
Murray and Herrnstein at the 99th percentile of quality.  Applied work
is never perfect, but I have to think you're being way too harsh.

What empirical problems *do* you think are "pretty easy"?
            Prof. Bryan Caplan               [EMAIL PROTECTED]    

  "We may be dissatisfied with television for two quite different 
   reasons: because our set does not work, or because we dislike 
   the program we are receiving.  Similarly, we may be dissatisfied 
   with ourselves for two quite different reasons: because our body 
   does not work (bodily illness), or because we dislike our 
   conduct (mental illness)."
                   --Thomas Szasz, *The Untamed Tongue*

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