Related point:

There have been a lot of studies of privatized garbage collection.  At
least many of them find that (controlling for quality?) the total cost
to consumers is highest under government monopoly collection, lower
under competitive supply, but lowest of all under lowest-bidder takes
the whole market contracting.

But if that's so, it's unclear why the lowest-priced firm doesn't take
the whole market in Sellgren's student's example.
            Prof. Bryan Caplan               [EMAIL PROTECTED]    

  "We may be dissatisfied with television for two quite different 
   reasons: because our set does not work, or because we dislike 
   the program we are receiving.  Similarly, we may be dissatisfied 
   with ourselves for two quite different reasons: because our body 
   does not work (bodily illness), or because we dislike our 
   conduct (mental illness)."
                   --Thomas Szasz, *The Untamed Tongue*

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