>Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 14:45:03 -0800
>From: "L.M. Kane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: WSJ: Recount' Em All, or None at All
>To: "Federalist@Lists. Stanford. EDU" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Importance: Normal
>X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
>Recount 'Em All, or None at All
>The Gore campaign tries an old statistician's trick.
>Saturday, November 11, 2000 1:45 p.m. EST
>There is a well-known trick among statistical economists for biasing 
>your data while looking honest. First, figure out which data points 
>don't agree with your theory. Then zealously clean up the offending 
>data points while leaving the other data alone. The key to 
>maintaining academic dignity is to ensure that you do nothing to the 
>data other than eliminate errors.
>But while this approach may seem to improve accuracy, it actually 
>leads to biased results. If you only clean the offending data 
>points, then you will disproportionately keep erroneous data that 
>agrees with your prior views. This leads many scholars to believe 
>that data that is partially cleaned at the discretion of a 
>researcher is worse than bad data.
>This lesson from the ivory tower has a clear implication for the 
>current mess in Florida. Hand counting ballots in only a few, 
>carefully chosen counties is a sure way to bias the results. Even if 
>hand counting is more accurate than machine counting, there is a 
>clear bias introduced because Al Gore chose which counties to hand 
>count. Mr. Gore has selected the state and counties where recounting 
>has the best chance of helping him.
>This is exactly the same as cleaning other data selectively. 
>Naturally, if this opportunity for selective recounting becomes the 
>norm, the floodgates will open and any candidate who loses a close 
>election would be foolish not to demand a recount.
>The immediate implication of this is clear. If there is to be 
>recounting by hand, it cannot be selective. There needs to be total 
>hand counting, not just within Florida, but across the U.S. in any 
>state that was close. One candidate cannot be allowed just to choose 
>where he wants the data cleaned. If this is prohibitively expensive, 
>or time consuming, then it is better to leave the process unchanged 
>than to introduce the selective recounting bias.
>More generally, one of the principal lessons of macroeconomics is 
>that rules generally work better than discretion. This is as true in 
>elections as any place else. Giving candidates influence over how 
>election results are processed does not help democracy to accurately 
>reflect the will of the people. Judicial discretion is not much 
>better, as judges will be responding to cases selectively filed by 
>candidates. Furthermore, judges determining elections will exalt the 
>judiciary to a king-making role it should not have.
>While it certainly may be appropriate to ban butterfly ballots for 
>all of eternity, and while reform of balloting procedures seems like 
>a must, it is also clearly wrong to selectively recount certain 
>Mr. Glaeser is a professor of economics at Harvard University and a 
>visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution.

J. Robert Latham
Public Affairs Director
The Independent Institute
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