On Wed, 21 Feb 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I have never understood this rationale--especially for farmers. The sun is up 
> as long as it is up, regardless of what we do with our clocks. What is it 
> that prevents farmers from getting up when the sun rises, and working til it 
> sets, no matter what clock time that is? What problem does clock manipulation 
> solve for them?

- easier to have hired labour show up for 6 instead of 5 am.
- the greater the overlap between your work-hours and everyone else's, the
easier it is to get parts and repairs and such
- if your kids are in school 9-3:30 (and on the bus 8:00-4:30), you can
get more work out of them from 4:30 to sundown if sundown is later (tough
to get much work out of them before school).

> Brian Doherty

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