My guess: Thomas Szasz. I really have no idea if he "deserves"
it because I have no notion of what the criteria are but I do know
that he's recieved quite a few awards fro the libt'rn crowd. 

Facetious guess: Bill Gates!


On Wed, 10 Oct 2001, Alex Tabarrok wrote:

>      Speaking of prizes, Cato has just announced a biennial Milton
> Friedman Prize for the Advancement of Liberty.  The award will be a cash
> prize of $500,000 to one individual for "significant achievement in the
> advancement of liberty."  The first prize will be presented May 9, 2002.
>     Any predictions/wishes/thoughts?
>     Note by the way how far things have come since the early days of say
> Mont Pelerin when there were some 8 democracies left in the world,
> socialism was advancing everywhere, and people like Friedman and Hayek
> were universally thought of as cranks.  Makes me optimistic.
> Alex
> -- 
> Dr. Alexander Tabarrok
> Vice President and Director of Research
> The Independent Institute
> 100 Swan Way
> Oakland, CA, 94621-1428
> Tel. 510-632-1366, FAX: 510-568-6040

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