(Still not finished with year end work at work ...)
Recently finished Prof. Caplan's fine "Stigler-Becker vs Myers-Briggs"

I believe strongly in MBTI (MB Type Indicator) (I'm an NTP, E/I). I like the
Factor Model addition, but not name, of "Neurotic", and don't like the names
of the other 2 FFM that are different.  

However, the "Conscientiousness" category (more J, not P) of personality
traits might be at work here -- other things seemingly equal, low scorers
might be worse credit risks AND have higher losses.

I strongly favor freedom (oppose restrictions) on categories insurance
companies can use, ESPECIALLY those somewhat behaviourist: it's not your
fault if you're a man instead of a woman under 25 -- it IS your fault that
you didn't pay your credit card.
Or missed a payment and paid later. etc.

Tom Grey

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