I sent this yesterday, but it never seems to have hit the list.

Subject: Re: Spam: Legal, economic or technical problem?

> available. Any thoughts on whether spam can be reduced via
> some sort of economic or technical mechanism?

There are already a lot of ways to do this.

Most email programs will let you set up filters
which, if you use the right rules, will pre-emptively
delete spam.

On a grander scale, there is the MAPS Real-Time Blackhole List.
and the SpamHaus BlackList

They keep a file of "known spammers" and anyone
who runs a mailserver can query or download their
list and simply block all mail from domains known
to harbor spammers.

Apparently (see
and more generally
some people using domains hosted by Sprint
have been spamming and Sprint wouldn't do anything about it,
so all Sprint servers got Blacklisted, and now Sprint Corporate
email to customers bounces a lot of the time.

Now Sprint is willing to do something about it.

It's not a perfect system yet,
but slowly it seems to be working.

- Joel

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