Pinczewski-Lee, Joe (LRC) writes:
> Well I'd respond by saying that the cause of ulcers is NOT a paradigm
> shift... the GERM THEORY 
> OF DISEASE is a paradigm shift.  The move from Newtonian Phsyics to
> Einsteinian Physics is a paradigm shift...

Then we must ask, if the model you support is true, how many physicists 
stuck to Newtonian physics in a meaningful way as opposed to embracing 
Eisteinian physics?  (I mean by "meaningful way" here that they were using 
as the main explanatory theory for dynamics.  After all, most scientists 
still use Netwonian mechanics today, simply because the predictions are 
close enough and much easier to arrive at then those of STR and GTR.)  Also, 
why did they stick to it? 

> The cause of ulcers is what Kuhn
> would call "normal" science.  We assume that something, not bad air or or
> evil spirits cause ulcers.  The ulcer debate is WITHIN an accepted paradigm.
> Most science is that sort of science.  

Granted, though we need a better definition of both.  After all, one might 
just arbitrarily pick and choose paradigm shifts and normal science.  For 
example, was the shift from a shrinking earth to plate tectonics normal 
science in action or a paradigm shift?  After all, none of the pre-Wegnerian 
geologists were claiming spirits moved the Earth's crust.  Yet the change 
seems a big one -- a paradigmatic one -- especially since it shifted focus 
in field.  One man's normal scientific change might be another's paradigm 
shift.  (See Thagard's _Conceptual Revolutions_ for his take on why 
paradigm's shift.) 

I'm not suggesting I've solution to this problem, but I don't think people 
holding even an old paradigm die off rather than change their minds. 

Getting back to the original context of this thread, are the usual arcane 
debates evidence of people not being able to get past their paradigms or 
something else?  I believe the latter -- for the most part. 


Daniel Ust

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