Proudhon sounds like a minimal statist except for his necessary cooperatives for large businesses and banking. Presumably large means larger than Adam Smiths omnipresent subcontracting can efficiently compete with.
But what of workplace agreements moderated by unions acting as agents in enterprise bargaining. If you allow for this and decentralise justice with arbitration commissions [pseudo Rothbard] you have our current economic framework.
Problem is, our system is heavily weighted in capitals favour because cooperative financing is under funded and restricted by ethics. Cooperatives are still needed and have not been able to catch up. If Government legislated to make capital flow ethical it would be fair. Thus capital reform can become a path to anarchism. An obvious target is nationalising  party funding. Once we get that fair, we may have a path to reformist anarchism back.

It makes sense for capital interests to lobby [and bribe] as much sense as it does for politicians to take bribes/inside trading/quangos etc. Its called vested interests. Why pretend either side will stop unless we make it individually unprofitable for them to continue.


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