Is there any good writing on the role of emotions in entrepeneurship?
Basically, I've come to wonder if what distinguishes entrepeneurs from
the rest of us is that they have irrational expectations of what their
business can produce. Think about it this way. Entrepeneurship is the
activity of exploiting opportunities others can't or won't see. Ie, based
on the available information and prior knowledge entrepenuers will
jump into an activity that would appear to the rest of us to be a bad
investment. Because they have such strong emotional attachments to what
they are doing, they are willing to expend the time and effort to solve
the unforseen problems that most new businesses encounter.

Of course this isn't the only side of entr'ship, but it is a hypothesis
worth thinking about. Any comments?


[Disclaimer to Armchair Philosophers: I'm not equating emotions with
irrationality, so please don't flame me on that point.]

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